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Laws vary from state to state. Statutes and case law also change often and quickly. The hiring of an attorney is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisement.
Initial in-person case consultations and evaluations are free to clients up to one hour. No recoveries or compensation for your damages or loss, injuries and other damages can be guaranteed and all results will vary depending on individual circumstances and the case. In some cases, the firm charges an hourly rate or flat-fee; and in other cases, a fee may be contingent on the outcome or comprise a percentage of the total recovery, plus costs and expenses, or both a contingency fee and a reduced hourly rate or flat fee. In some cases, the client may have to pay the opposing party’s attorney fees and costs in the event of a loss or sanction or adverse ruling of some sort carrying the risk of a court imposing fees or costs against you.
Law Firm Location
This website is owned and operated by the Law Office of Joseph M. Kar, PC, which operates as a registered California Professional Corporation. The Law Office of Joseph M. Kar, PC operates under the domain name of CivilLegal.com and has offices in Sherman Oaks, CA. The Law Office of Joseph M. Kar, PC also practices in federal courts and has been admitted to practice in various other state courts pro hoc vice or in coordination with local counsel on selective matters.
California Lawyer Disclaimer
Joseph M. Kar, Esq. is the managing attorney of the Law Office of Joseph M. Kar, PC and is licensed in the state of California (15250 Ventura Blvd., Ste. #1220, Sherman Oaks, CA 91403). Some work may be performed by, or referred to, other attorneys depending on your circumstances and convenience, however, Joseph M. Kar, Esq. often works as first chair trial attorney on most cases.
Client Testimonials/Reviews
The testimonials and reviews found on this website are of former clients and/or their families. All testimonials/reviews are provided for informational purposes only and are not to be considered as a promise or guarantee as to the outcome of your specific case only or any future outcome. Each case contains different facts and circumstances and bears different risks. The facts and circumstances of your case will likely differ from the facts of the cases listed.
© 2015 Joseph M. Kar, PC – All rights reserved.