Excessive Force & Police Abuse – Santa Monica Police Pummel Young Female U.C.L.A. College Student.
The Santa Monica Police Department answered a call involving a tenant dispute involving a “BB-Gun” where Ms. Titova was brutally attacked and arrested without good cause. The Police created a two-block perimeter around the apartment building and penetrated the complex in force. At the time, Ms. Titova was along at the time and a petite young female college student attending U.C.L.A. She weighed less than 90 lbs at the time. After she voluntarily opened the front-door of her apartment in response to the Santa Monica Police Officers request, Police Officers burst through and swarmed Ms. Titova and restrained each appendage, while pummeling her body with blows and a locking her in forward-grab chock-hold. Ms. Titova was arrested and jailed for one day.
Result: Confidential Settlement.