The words “civil rights” or “constitutional rights” are often thrown around in our society almost like they mean nothing. People demand these precious rights and sometimes don’t even know what they comprise or how these rights and privileges really work. In the United States all people have the rights and privileges that have to be respected. Highest among those rights is the right to petition the government for redress and grievances and to be given a fair trial on those matters.
The Law Office of Joseph M. Kar, PC is well versed with the very special rights the U.S. and California Constitutions provide, as well as the rules of law and court to navigate State and Federal court matters to champion your rights and privileges. Constitutional rights are the rights defined by both federal and state law, like the right to remain free from harm or to procreate.
For example, a government agent or clerk that refuses to act or refrain from acting against rights, such as a city clerk refusing to issue a marriage license, unfair tax imposed, a taking of property or assets without just compensation, or law enforcement officers or public school administrators abusing their authority to detriment you or your family. These are the kind of issues and disputes that will typically have to be addressed in an administrative or court proceeding.
If you have been victimized by a constitutional or civil rights violation, you need to seek the sound legal advice of an experienced attorney like Joseph M. Kar, Esq. who has taken claims to trial and appeal against governments and agencies. Some violations involve discrimination by the police using excessive force or making a wrongful arrest. Other violations can be seen in the private sector such as the denial of fair housing or hotel rooms or even being allowed eating in a public restaurant because you have a different color skin, national origin, or religion, or because of your sexual orientation.
Civil rights are guarantees to the individual that you will be treated equally among other people under the law as well as your freedoms will not be infringed by any public establishment, government agencies, organizations, or persons, without due process of law. There are many attorneys will be able to advise you on a claim for civil rights violations such as racial or gender discrimination. But when it comes to special circumstances and difficult claims, you need the power of the Law Office of Joseph M. Kar, PC to uphold your rights and secure your privileges.
The Law Office of Joseph M. Kar proudly offers exceptional legal advocacy and representation to victims experiencing damages resulting from a violation and infringement of constitutional or civil rights. The firm has handled civil rights violation claims and actively works to help make this world a good world for all of us.
Related Cases:
Titova v. Santa Monica Police Department et al.,
U.S.D.C. Case No. CV 05-0640 GAF (RZx)
Excessive Force & Police Abuse – Santa Monica Police Pummel Young Female U.C.L.A. College Student. The Santa Monica Police Department answered a call involving a tenant dispute involving a “BB-Gun” where Ms. Titova was brutally attacked and arrested without good cause. The Police created a two-block perimeter around the apartment building and penetrated the complex in force. At the time, Ms. Titova was along at the time and a petite young female college student attending U.C.L.A. She weighed less than 90 lbs at the time. After she voluntarily openned the front-door of her apartment in response to the Santa Monica Police Officers request, Police Officers burst through and swarmed Ms. Titova and restrained each appendage, while pummeling her body with blows and a locking her in forward-grab chock-hold. Ms. Titova was arrested and jailed for one day. Result: Confidential Settlement.
In re Matter of Douglas Frey,
L.A.S.C. Case No. BH 002 125
Writ of Habeas Corpus – Police Forcibly Remove Permanent Genital Piercing with Bolt-Cutters. Mr. Frey alleged that Los Angeles Sheriff’s Deputies forcibly removed a penis piercing using 8-inch bolt cutters, which resulted in serious infection and untreated medical emergency. Mr. Frey further alleged that Sheriff’s deputies did not attend to his medical condition and required him to work in the gang unit while wearing a Foley Catheter for over 60 days without regular medical attention or adequate medication to control infections. Result: The trial court granted the order showing cause re: habeas corpus writ petition and set the matter for hearing. Mr. Frey was shortly thereafter released from custody.