
As technology evolves, so does the law. Uncertainty surrounding liability in instances of autopilot crashes and collisions will not subside quickly. These incidents must be handled by sharp, skilled attorneys. One of the main goals of autopilot technology is to improve traffic safety and reduce accidents on the road. Still, some collisions are inevitable. If you are involved in an autopilot or computer controlled traffic accident, Joseph M. Kar P.C. has the expertise to provide the legal counsel you need. Mr. Kar will fight the manufacturers’ attempts to circumvent liability for their failures and help you obtain the compensation you deserve for injuries and damages. For any legal concerns you may have, contact the Law Office of Joseph M. Kar P.C at 818-501-6930.

Only a few short years ago, legal considerations regarding autopilot or computer controlled car crashes seemed to be purely theoretical speculation. Self-driving cars were symbolic of a distance science-fiction future. However, such a future is fast approaching. As manufacturers refine their computer controlled technology and test autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles on the road, questions of liability are on the front lines of the automobile industry.